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This handbook is subject to change based on user input. B. Updates. This handbook will be updated as necessary. C. Additional Copies. The initial release of this handbook is accessible on the Internet at http www. It is also accessible on the corporate intranet at http blue. Information, then Policies and Procedures, then Handbooks, then either By Document ID Number or By Title, and then scroll down to this handbook. The first printed edition is scheduled for release pending field input and review, and information for ordering additional copies will be provided at that time. D. Comments on Content. Address comments or questions regarding the content of this handbook to OPERATIONS SYSTEMS DELIVERYUS POSTAL SERVICE4. LENFANT PLZ SW RM 7. WASHINGTON DC 2. 02. A. Comments on Format. Address comments or questions regarding the language or organization of this handbook to INFORMATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURESUS POSTAL SERVICE4. LENFANT PLZ SW RM 2. WASHINGTON DC 2. 02. E. Effective Date. This publication is effective April 2. John A. Rapp. Vice President. Delivery. 1 Introduction. Purpose. The purpose of this handbook is to provide information about the mail community on Department of Defense Department of Defense installations to the postmaster or station manager and to the clerks and carriers. Free Program Boat Builders Handbook Free' title='Free Program Boat Builders Handbook Free' />It also provides information to the Department of Defense mail manager and to the associated Department of Defense mail offices on how the U. S. Postal Service USPS operates, as well as providing specific information on automation, centralized delivery, organization, and address management. This handbook is designed as a reference tool for the USPS and Department of Defense communities. It should be kept readily available for reference when problems arise, or for questions on the Department of Defense s chain of command or what office should be consulted for support and assistance. This handbook will help the USPS managers, as valued members of the Department of Defense community, to understand their role in that community and what their responsibilities are. Success as a manager of a U. S. Post Office on a Department of Defense installation does not require previous military service however, it is essential to understand the militarys chain of command and understand how to be successful in that community. Working Together. The relationship between the U. S. Postal Service and the respective Department of Defense installations is a partnership, with varying levels of benefit and responsibility. At many installations, the U. S. Postal Service and the Department of Defense mail center are located in the same building. Even though these two organizations may be close physically, they still need to communicate directly and to work together to better serve their mutual customers and create win win resolutions to common problems. Both the U. S. Postal Service and the installations Department of Defense mail center serve essentially the same customer the Department of Defense community. The U. S. Postal Service does this by providing individual box service to those customers who desire it, city delivery service to family housing areas, and bulk delivery of mail to military administrative offices and unaccompanied military personnel. The local post office on the installation accumulates mail for the military installation and distributes it in bulk to the Department of Defense mail center, which then distributes and delivers it. Thus, USPS operations have a significant impact on when and how mail is delivered on the installation. You should take the initiative and understand the synergy and interrelationships that ultimately provide mail service to the Department of Defense community. By establishing a good working relationship, you will gain a better understanding of working together and how each group can benefit the other to improve customer service while minimizing cost. Each manager should tour the local Department of Defense mail center and understand its workload, mail flows, and work processes. Conversely, invite the Department of Defense mail manager to visit the USPS facility to gain knowledge on operations, schedules, and workload. This handbook is an official publication of the U. S. Postal Service and should be referred to in the management of a postal facility on a Department of Defense installation served by the U. S. Postal Service. However, Publication 3. A contains the guidelines for managing post office operations on Department of Defense installations. Bmw 1200 Gs Adventure Service Manual. The USPSDepartment of Defense Relationship. Background. On February 2, 1. Department of Defense and the Post Office Department executed an Interagency Agreement. The Agreement was comprehensive in scope, addressing all aspects of mail service to military personnel serving in the United States and abroad. There had been two previous Interagency Agreements, one executed in 1. In the Agreement, the Post Office Department agreed to do the following a. Provide postal services for the Armed Forces in areas where the U. Acura Tl Owners Manual 2007 Software'>Acura Tl Owners Manual 2007 Software. S. civil postal service operates, to include the establishment of civil post offices on military installations and the usual postal finance, mail handling, carrier delivery and collection, and special delivery services, consistent with U. S. postal laws and regulations, normal standards of the Post Office Department, and changing military requirements b. Provide the equipment and furniture necessary for the operation of civil post offices located on military installations. However, the Postal Reorganization Act of 1. U. S. Postal Service, voided the 1. Interagency Agreement and dramatically changed the relationship between the two parties. This legislation, which became effective January 1, 1. Department of Defense to cease Military Postal Service operations in areas served by the U. S. Postal Service and required the two parties to negotiate a new agreement a process that required numerous years. On January 1. 1, 1. General Accounting Office Report LCD 8. How Military Postal Service Operations Can Be Improved, stated that negotiations were deadlocked over four issues, one of them being the level of domestic services that the U. S. Postal Service would provide to the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense wanted the U. S. Postal Service to provide military barracks and bachelor quarters with locking mailboxes similar to those provided to civilian apartment houses. However, the U. S. Postal Service wanted to deliver mail to military barracks and bachelor quarters in bulk form because it considered such quarters similar to civilian dormitories and residence halls, which receive mail in bulk form. The U. S. Postal Service believed that delivery service to military quarters should not exceed the level of service provided to similar groups of civilian residential customers. Publication 3. 8On February 2. U. S. Postal Service and the Department of Defense signed an agreement in which the U.